“It is the philosopher’s privilege to stand on the extreme margin”
(Ian Hacking)
Peer Reviewed Papers and Books
- Sciortino, L. (2024) Styles of Reasoning and the History of Knowledge, History of Knowledge 1, 11
- Sciortino, L. (2024) Paul Feyerabend: the Flippant Dadaist Prometeo: Quarterly Magazine of History and Sciences 42, 166, 100-108
- Sciortino, L. (2023) Quantum Theory, Objectification and Memories of Giovanni Morchio in Trails in modern theoretical and mathematical physics, Springer, New York, pp. 301-311
- Sciortino, L. (2023) What is a Style of Reasoning? Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science 15: 1-20
- Sciortino, L. (2023) History of Rationalities: Ways of Thinking from Vico to Hacking and Beyond (Palgrave McMillan)
- Sciortino, L. (2023) Evoluzione: studio sulla storia di un’idea (Evolution: a Study of the History of an Idea) Informazione filosofica 9, 1, 21-54
- Sciortino, L. (2022) La tradizione tradita: dalla varietà all’uniformità culturale (Betrayed tradition: from variety to cultural uniformity) Informazione filosofica, 6: 2, 116-131
- Sciortino, L. (2021) The Emergence of Objectivity: Fleck, Foucault, Kuhn and Hacking Studies in History and Philosophy of Science , 88, 128-137
- Sciortino, L. (2021) Epistemologia storica dell’ipertesto e l’emergere di una nuova forma di lettura (Historical Epistemology of the Hypertext and the Emergence of a New Form of Reading) Medium e Medialità 2,1: 9-24
- Sciortino, L.(2021) I manoscritti di Ercolano (The manuscripts of Herculaneum), Prometeo, 39, 152 , 21-29
- Sciortino, L. (2021) Caos e ordine: genesi e sviluppo dello stile deduttivo nell’Antica Grecia (Chaos and Order: Genesis and Development of the Deductive Style in Ancient Greece) Informazione filosofica, 3: 2, 6-24
- Sciortino L. (2021) Review of ‘Paul Nurse, Che cosa è la vita?’ (‘What is life?’) Prometeo, 39, 154, 103-104
- Sciortino, L. (2020) Difesa del ‘Genius Loci’ (Genius Loci defended) in Prospettiva Ponte e Genius Loci, Mimesis Edizioni pp. 719-731
- Sciortino, L. (2020) La biblioteca di Karl Popper (The Karl Popper Collection), Prometeo, 38, 151, pp.40-48
- Sciortino, L. (2019) Ritratto dell’anima del mondo (Portrait of the World Soul), Il Torchio, Padova
- Sciortino L. (2017) On Ian Hacking’s Notion of Style of Reasoning Erkenntnis 82: 2 243, 264
- Sciortino L. (2016) E Pluribus Unum. Gli Stili del Pensiero Scientifico (Styles of Scientific Reasoning), Prometeo 133, 34, pp. 22-29
- Sciortino L. (2016), Styles of Reasoning, Forms of Life, and Relativism, International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 30, 2, pp. 165-184
- Sciortino L. (2006) Review of ‘Giorgio Manzi, Homo sapiens’ 2-R The Journal of Philosophical Reviews 1, 28-41