Press Articles
“If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you are mis-informed”.
(Mark Twain)
- Lo chiamavano El Niño (They call it El Niño) Panorama (26 June 2024)
- Obiettivo: difendere la Terra (The goal is to defend the Earth) Panorama (5 June 2024)
- A lezione di e-Italiano (Let’s go to e-Italian class) Panorama (28 February 2024)
- Il mondo con i loro occhi (The world through their eyes) Panorama (14 February 2024)
- Per fare il miele ci vuole cervello (Making honey takes intelligence) (31 January 2024)
- Il falso mito delle impronte digitali (The false myth of the fingerprints) (24 January 2024)
- I portieri non pensano come noi (The goalkeepers do not think like us) Panorama (15 November 2023)
- L’isola che non c’è (The island that is no more) Panorama (2 August 2023)
- Sonni abissali (Abyssal sleeps) Panorama (20 July 2023)
- Quello scienziato di Calvino (Calvino, that scientist) Panorama (28 June 2023)
- Traditi dalla voce (Betrayed by the voice) Panorama ( 31 May 2023)
- Plastica: dai fiumi al nostro DNA (Plastic: from the river to our DNA) Panorama (10 May 2023)
- Siccità: perché l’acqua non la prendiamo dal mare? (Why don’t we get water from the sea?) Panorama (8 March 2023)
- Lo scienziato è un robot (Scientists are robots) Panorama (15 February 2023)
- Di chi è la Luna? (Whose Moon is it?) Panorama (18 January 2023)
- Come fare il pieno di energia su Luna e Marte (How to fill up on energy on the Moon and Mars) Panorama (4 January 2023)
- C’è del verde nel nuovo Pil (There’s some green in the new GDP) Panorama (28 December 2022)
- C’era una volta la Groenlandia (Once upon a time there was Greenland) Panorama (23 November 2022)
- A volte riemergono (Sometimes they reemerge) Panorama (19 October 2022)
- Altre menti (Other minds) Panorama (28 September 2022)
- Il senso dell’amicizia (The sense of friendship) Panorama (21 September 2022)
- ‘E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle…’ (‘And then we went out to see the stars again…’) Panorama (27 July 2022)
- Il senso della fine dell’elefante (The sense of the end in the elephant) Panorama (11 July 2022)
- Cronache dagli abissi (Chronicles from the abyss) Panorama (22 June 2022)
- A sangue caldo (Warm-blooded) Panorama (15 June 2022)
- Effetto parabrezza (Windscreen effect) Panorama (1 Giugno 2022)
- Quel batterio goloso di plastica (That greedy plastic bacterium) Panorama (25 Maggio 2022)
- Review of ‘L’incredibile storia della neve’ by Alberto Grandi Panorama (18 May 2022)
- Il cervello oltre la soglia (The brain beyond the threshold) Panorama (5 May 2022)
- La prima galassia dell’universo (The first galaxy of the universe) Panorama (22 April 2022)
- Brutta aria a Milano (Bad air in Milan) Panorama (23 March 2022)
- Review of “Water. A biography’ by Giulio Boccaletti Panorama (16 March 2022)
- Un tesoro sprecato di cellule (A wasted treasure of cells) Panorama (9 February 2022)
- Viaggio all’inferno: obiettivo Marte (Journey to hell: target Mars) Panorama (26 January 2022)
- Attrazione solare (Solar attraction) Panorama (12 January 2022)
- L’ultimo orso polare (The last polar bear) Panorama (29 December 2021)
- Venere chiama Terra (Venus calls Earth) Panorama (8 December 2021)
- L’agricoltura punta in alto (Agricolture is aiming high) Panorama (24 November 2021)
- Laurearsi a ottanta anni (Graduating at eighty) Panorama (27 October 2021)
- In cerca del pianeta B (Hunting the planet B) Panorama (15 September 2021)
- Il caldo ci fa piccoli (Heat makes us smaller) Panorama (28 July 2021)
- Che aria che tira (There is a nice air) Panorama (21 Luglio 2021)
- L’arte firmata dai robots (The art of robots) Panorama (7 July 2021)
- Salto di specie: avanti il prossimo (Spillover: next up) Panorama (28 July 2021)
- Il passato riemerso (The past resurfaced) Panorama (16 June 2021)
- Che cosa pensa un algoritmo (What an algorithm thinks) Panorama (26 May 2021)
- Nascere senza madre (To be born without a mother) Panorama (28 April 2021)
- Se la Corrente del Golfo s’inceppa (If the Gulf Stream gets stuck) Panorama (14 April 2021)
- Istruzioni per l’uso dell’aldilà (Instructions for using the afterlife) Panorama (17 March 2021)
- Bitcoin, la moneta è virtuale ma il suo inquinamento reale (Bitcoin, the currency is virtual but the pollution is real) Panorama (10 March 2021)
- E il cane incontrò l’uomo (And dog met man) Panorama (3 March 2021)
- Il pesce nato in provetta (The fish born in the test tube) Panorama 17 February 2021)
- Le altre epidemie (The other epidemics) Panorama (10 February 2021)
- Così bello sopra così inquinato sotto (So beautiful above so polluted below) Panorama (3 February 2021)
- Anglomania Panorama (27 January 2021)
- Tornare in vista (Back in sight) Panorama (20 January 2021)
- Il lato magico di Newton (The Magic Side of Isaac Newton) Panorama (30 December 2020)
- Una legge per difenderli (A law to protect them) Panorama (9 December 2020)
- Senti chi parla (Look who’s talking) Panorama (25 November 2020)
- L’ingegnere che curò se stesso Panorama (18 November 2020)
- Farfalle, la piccola bellezza, Review of the book The language of butterflies by Wendy Williams (Butterflies, the Small Beauty) Panorama (28 October 2020)
- Più computer, meno bisturi (More computers, fewer scalpels) Panorama (29 July 2020)
- Fusione, energia senza fine (Nuclear fusion, endless energy) Panorama (22 July 2020)
- Ritratto inedito del nostro DNA (Unreleased Portrait of our DNA) Panorama (1 July 2020)
- La vespa killer (The killer wasp) Panorama (17 June 2020)
- Lo scarabeo Phloeodes diabolicus (The beetle Phloeodes diabolicus) Panorama (10 June 2020)
- Incentivi poco “puliti” (Incentives not very clean) Panorama (3 June 2020)
- Dopo il Covid saremo video-curati (After the epidemics we will be video-cured) (27 May 2020)
- Ogni pianta è illuminata (Every plant is illuminated) Panorama (20 May 2020)
- Vado alla deriva (e torno) (I am going adrift but I’ll come back) Panorama (6 May 2020)
- Quei coralli sempre più pallidi (Those bleached corals) Panorama (29 April 2020)
- Salvati senza limite di età (Saved regardless of age) Panorama (8 Aprile 2020)
- Attenti al fattore S (Careful of the S factor) Panorama (1 April 2020)
- Se il pappagallo ci pensa su (If the parrot thinks it over) Panorama (16 March 2020)
- Le nuove rotte della frutta (The new fruit routes) Panorama (11 March 2020)
- Polveri sottili: così il governo fa crescere il PM10 (Fine dust: here is how the government make the pollution grow), Panorama (4 March 2020)
- Ascolta la tuta ti parla (Listen: the suit speaks to you) Panorama (12 February 2020)
- Fa male ma non inquina (Dangerous for your health but it does not pollute) Panorama (5 February 2020)
- La biotecnologia del pane (The biotechnology of bread) Panorama ((29 January 2020)
- A misura di clima (On a climate scale) Panorama (21 January 2020)
- Disinquinati dalla natura (De-pollution by nature) Panorama (27 December 2019)
- L’algoritmo del calcio Panorama (18 December 2019)
- Dal DNA il volto del colpevole (From the DNA the traits of the guilty) Panorama (4 December 2019)
- Mi si è ristretto l’universo (The universe has shrunk) Panorama (27 November 2019)
- Le voci ritrovate di Ercolano (The once lost voices of Ercolano) Panorama (20 November 2019)
- C’è un orto sotto il mare (There is a vegetable garden under the sea) Panorama (8 November 2019)
- Homo di Denisova, l’antenato che mancava (Denisovans, the missing ancestors) Panorama (30 October 2019)
- Piantate tante balene (Plant many trees) Panorama (16 October 2019)
- Viaggeremo a quattro ali (We will fly with four wings) Panorama (9 October 2019)
- La foresta invade lo stadio (The forest invades the stadium) Panorama (18 September 2019)
- Benvenuti nell’era dei plantoidi (Welcome to the era of the plantoids) Panorama (28 August 2019)
- Viaggio nella Via Lattea (Journey in the Milky Way) Panorama (21 August 2019)
- La saggezza degli alberi (The wisdom of trees) Panorama (14 August 2019)
- Il lato oscuro del gabbiano Jonathan Livingstone (The dark side of the seagull Jonathan Livingstone Panorama (7 August 2019)
- La dieta negli ospedali (Diet in hospitals) Panorama (17 July 2019)
- Palermo, così rifiorisce una città (Palermo, here is how a city blooms again) Panorama (10 July 2019)
- La fabbrica delgi organi di scorta (The factory of the spare organs) Panorama (3 July 2019)
- Apprendere in tutte le lingue del mondo (Learn in all languages of the world) Panorama (26 June 2019)
- Più che scienza scemenza (Stupidity rather than science) Panorama (19 June 2019)
- Un portale ci salverà la vita (A web portal will save our lives) Panorama (5 June 2019)
- Le altre terre (The other “Earths”) Panorama (29 May 2019)
- La maledizione dell’Unesco (The curse of Unesco) Panorama (15 May 2019)
- Difesa del silenzio (Silence difended) Panorama (24 April 2019)
- Il dolore è femmina (Pain is female), Panorama (17 April 2019)
- Vite quotidiane all’ombra delle piramidi (Daily lives in the shadow of the pyramids), Panorama (19 March 2019)
- Fakenews scientifiche, genesi e sviluppo (Genesis and development of a scientific fake news), Panorama (12 March 2019)
- Le nostre prime impronte sulla Terra (Our First Footprints), Panorama (13 March 2019)
- Stanno arrivando i materiali più pazzi del mondo (The craziest materials of the world are coming) Panorama (27 February 2019)
- La semina la fa il robot (The sowing is done by the robot) Panorama (6 February 2019)
- Il vostro cane addestratelo così (Train your dog like this) Panorama (30 January 2019)
- Vado in letargo e torno (I go into hibernation and come back) Panorama (23 January 2019)
- La carica dei nanorobot (The charge of the nanorobots) Panorama (16 January 2019)
- 2019: la riconquista della Luna (2019: Reconquest of the Moon) Panorama (9 January 2019)
- Nella mente di un terrorista (Inside the mind of a terrorist) Panorama (2 January 2019)
- Questo scudo ci salverà (This shield will save us) Panorama (12 December 2018)
- Questo figlio è tutto mio (This baby is all mine) Panorama (5 December 2018)
- Il supervaccino per sempre (The supervaccine for ever) Panorama (21 November 2018)
- Il destino crudele e ineludibile di Charlie (Charlie’s cruel and inescapable fate) Panorama (6 July 2017)
- La rivincita dei Neandertal (The revenge of the Neandertal) Panorama (13 March 2017)
- Il medico che curò se stesso (The doctor who healed himself), Panorama (6 March 2017)
- Caldo fatevene una ragione (It’s hot, make up your mind), Panorama (5 August 2015)
- Salviamo il pianeta Terra (Save the planet Earth)Tabloid (July 2015)
- Dal midollo ai neuroni (From the medulla to the neurons) Le Scienze (June 2015)
- Il fuoco più antico (The most ancient fire) Le Scienze (May 2015)
- Ipparco, l’astrofisico e la statua (Ipparchus, the astrophysicist and the statue) Le Scienze (April 2015)
- Sud Europa paradiso dei batteri (South Europe, paradise of bacteria) Le Scienze (March 2015)
- I cani che fiutano il cancro (Dogs smelling cancer) Panorama (3 December 2014)
- L’italiano che atterrò sulla cometa (The Italian who landed on the comet) Panorama (3 September 2014)
- E l’arca naviga (And the ark sails) Panorama (16 Aprile 2014)
- La tempesta perfetta (The perfect storm) Panorama (22 May 2013)
- Alieni degli abissi (Aliens of the abyss) Panorama (24 December 2012)
- ‘La medusa che non muore mai ‘ (‘The Jellyfish Which Never Dies’), Panorama (in Italian) (19 December 2012)
- ‘La salute è una formula matematica’ (‘Health is a Mathematical Formula’) Panorama (7 October 2012)
- ‘Thomas Kuhn, 50 anni dopo: ecco come ha cambiato la visione della scienza’ (‘Thomas Kuhn 50 years later: how He Changed our View of Science’), Panorama (in Italian) (2 October 2012)
- Review of ‘Cartographies of Time: A History of Timeline’ by Rosenberg D. and Grafton A. Panorama (25 September 2012)
- Cara mamma, ti scrivo dall’inferno più assoluto (Dear mom, I am writing to you from the most absolute hell) Panorama (14 August 2012)
- Chi ha rubato il cervello di Einstein?’ (‘Who stole Einstein’s Brain?’)
Il Foglio (16 June 2012) - Il secondo che fa litigare il mondo (The second that makes the world quarrel) Panorama (10 November 2011)
- Intervista all’astrofisico Giovanni Fabrizio Bignami (Interview with the astrophysicist Fabrizio Giovanni Bignami Panorama (9 November 2010)
- Piercing: istruzioni per l’uso (Piercing: instructions for the use) Panorama (2 November 2010)
- Obbligazioni in cambio di vaccini (Bonds in exchange of vaccines) Panorama (26 October 2010)
- Bioetanolo: il grande flop (Bioethanol: the big flop) Panorama (25 October 2010)
- Clima:: cosa succede in città (climate: (climate: what’s going on in the city) Panorama (19 October 2010)
- La mummia di Rosalia (Rosalia’s mummy) Panorama (12 August 2010)
- Alle radici del cancro (At the roots of cancer) Panorama (28 Gennaio 2010)
- Clima: c’è chi scherza con il fuoco (Climate: there are those who mess with fire) Panorama (3 December 2009)
- L’universo è nato da una zuppa cosmica (The universe was born of a cosmic soup) Panorama (26 November 2009)
- Curarsi con gli atomi (Healing with atoms) Panorama (19 Novembre 2009)
- Il dirigibile che dà la luce (The airship that gives light) Panorama (12 November 2009)
- Pausa pranzo: come non farsi del mare (lunch break: how not to get hurt) Panorama (15 October 2009)
- Fa’ la colazione giusta (Have the right breakfast) Panorama (24 September 2009)
- Giù la maschera (Mask off) Panorama (17 Settembre 2009)
- E la cometa portò la vita (And the comet brought life) Panorama (3 September 2009)
- Maculopatia: la speranza di vederci più chiaro (Maculopathy: the hope of seeing more clearly) Panorama) (13 August 2009)
- Polli a tutto gas (Full throttle chickens) Panorama (6 August 2009)
- Un rondone non fa primavera (A swift does not make spring) Panorama (30 July 2009)
- Per avere un pianeta al miele (To have a honey planet) Panorama (28 May 2009)
- ‘Cosmovisioni’ (‘Cosmovisions’) Panorama (5 March 2009)
- Corsa all’auto verde (Race to the green car) Panorama (12 February 2009)
- Cervelli di destra e di sinistra (Left and right brains) Panorama (19 February 2009)
- Una torre anti-CO2 (A tower against CO2 – reportage from Ankasa Forest- Ghana) Panorama (15 January 2009)
- Vino: l’effetto serra finisce in bottiglia (Wine: the greenhouse effect ends up in the bottle) Panorama (11 December 2008)
- Review of “L’ultimo orso polare” by Steven Kazlowski Panorama (27 November 2008)
- Review of ‘Dalla mano alla bocca’ by Michael Corballis (13 November 2008)
- La ricerca maltrattata (Mistreated research) Panorama (6 November 2008)
- Ambra, i fossili che raccontano la vita (Amber, the fossils that tell the story of life) Panorama (16 October 2008)
- Il caso dei ghiacciai scomparsi (The case of the disappeared glaciers) Panorama (2 Octobre 2008)
- Ma da dove veniamo? (Where do we come from?) Panorama (18 September 2008)
- Laveremo l’acqua nell’oceano (We will wash the water in the ocean) Panorama (7 August 2008)
- Il feltrino in cattedra (The felt chair in the chair) Panorama (31 July 2008)
- Cern: la città delle meraviglie (Cern: the city of wonders) Panorama (10 July 2008)
- Energia: il giusto mix (Energy: the right mix) Panorama (3 July 2008)
- La Terra si fa in cinque (The Earth is made in five) Panorama (29 May 2008)
- Review of ‘Il cervello: istruzioni per l’uso e la sua manutenzione’ by Sandra Aamodt e Sam Wang Panorama (15 May 2008 )
- Oltre l’inceneritore (Beyond the waste incinerator) Panorama (30 April 2008)
- Review of ‘L’architettura degli animali’ by James Gould and Carol Grant Gould Panorama (7 May 2008)
- Nucleare: si può fare (Nuclear energy: it can be done Panorama (10 Aprile 2008)
- Spegnete qualche luce (Turn off some lights) Panorama (17 April 2008)
- Punto G: istruzioni per l’uso (Punto G: instructions for use) Panorama (6 March 2008)
- Avete dieci minuti di tempo per leggere questo pezzo (You have ten minutes to read the piece) Panorama (7 February 2008)
- Interview with the palaeontologist Niles Eldredge Panorama (2 February 2008)
- Il sacchetto va in pensione a 56 anni (The bag retires at 56 years old) Panorama (7 February 2008)
- Ricerca: i difetti e i rimedi (Research: defects and remedies) Panorama (17 January 2008)
- Viaggio intorno ai guai della Terra (Journey around the woes of the Earth) Panorama (10 January 2008)
- Per questi rami passa la storia (History passes through these branches) Panorama (3 January 2008)
- Paradisi da non perdere (Paradises not to be missed) Panorama (29 November 2007)
- Dentro il vulcano (Inside the vulcano) Panorama (22 November 2007)
- Il grande fratello degli abissi (The Big Brother of the abyss) Panorama (15 November 2007)
- Review of “Il cervello infinito” di Norman Doidge, Panorama (8 November 2007)
- Mal: di testa: dove si nasconde il dolore (Headache: where the pain hides Panorama (1 November 2007)
- Inteview with the cosmologist Paul Davies, Panorama (16 October 2007)
- 2007, clima fuori controllo (2007, climate out of control) Panorama (20 September 2007)
- Con il clima che cambia agricoltura in crisi (With the changing climate, agricolture is in crisis) Panorama (6 September 2007)
- Quel che resta del bosco (What remains of the forest) Panorama (9 August 2007)
- Piccoli Rna, grandi speranze (Small Rna, great hopes) Panorama (14 June 2007)
- Necrologio a Stanley Miller (Obituary to Stanley Miller) Panorama (7 June 2007)
- Troppo caldo: le piante salgono in quota (Too hot: the plants rise to altitude) Panorama (17 Maggio 2007)
- L’arca dei semi (The ark of seeds) Panorama (26 April 2007)
- Accuse a Bush dall’Artico (Allegations against Bush from the Artic) Panorama (29 March 2007)
- Clima questa volta sarà peggio (Climate: this time it will be worse) Panorama (22 March 2007)
- Più risparmio sotto il tetto (More savings under the roof) Panorama (22 February 2007)
- 2100 addio al Belpaese (2100 farewell to Belpaese) Panorama (18 January 2007)
- Una bussola per batteri (A compass for bacteria) Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American) (January 2007)
- Interview with the Nobel Prize Eric Kandel, Panorama (18 January 2007)
- Quando l’universo aveva tre minuti (When the universe was three minutes old) Panorama (4 January 2007)
- Dottori con la coda (Doctors with a tail) Panorama (4 January 2006)
- Il mistero dei cucchiaini scomparsi (The mistery of the missing spoons) Panorama (19 Gennaio 2006)
- Tisane al sapore di bufala (Hoax-flavoured herbal teas) Panorama (26 January 2006)
- Ma il teflon è cancerogeno? (Is teflon carcinogenic?) Panorama (16 February 2006)
- Aviaria, che cosa rischiamo in città (Avian influenza, what we risk in the city) Panorama (23 February 2006)
- Alle radici della diseguaglianza (The roots of inequality) Le Scienze (February 2006)
- Tutte le lune di Urano (All the moons of Uranus) Le Scienze (February 2006)
- Animal gay Panorama (9 March 2006)
- I rischi dell’alluminio (The dangers of the aluminium) Panorama (30 March 2006)
- A cosa serve l’orgasmo femminile? (What’s the female orgasm for?) Panorama (4 April 2006)
- Incontri cosmici del Dalai Lama (Cosmic encounters of the Dalai Lama) Panorama (13 April 2006)
- Review of ‘Il pianeta dove scomparivano’ le cose by Roberto Casati and Achille Varzi Panorama (20 April 2006)
- Il superstite di Ediacara (The survivor of Ediacara) Le Scienze (May 2006)
- Fastidi e rimedi per chi vola (Troubles and remedies for those who fly) Panorama (4 May 2006)
- Review of ‘Radiant cool’ by Dan Lloyd Panorama (11 May 2006)
- C’è una foresta da salvare (There is a forest to be saved) Panorama (11 May 2006)
- Il cuore in gola (The heart in the mouth) Panorama (18 May 2006)
- Interview with the environmentalist Mathis Wackernagel Panorama (8 June 2006)
- Artico spazzatura (Arctic garbage) Panorama (22 June 2006)
- Che guaio la resistenza degli antibiotici (What a problem the antibiotic resistance) Panorama (23 June 2006)
- Latte scremato con molti dubbi (skim milk with many doubts) Panorama (5 July 2007)
- Necrologio per Harriet (Obituary of Harriet) Panorama (6 July 2006)
- Aiuto, la spiaggia scappa (Help, the beach is getting away) Panorama (13 Luglio 2006)
- Interview with the biologist David Sinclair Panorama (10 August 2006)
- Meraviglie abissali (Abyssal wonders) Panorama (31 August 2006)
- Non è più tempo di luoghi comuni (It is no longer time for common places) Panorama (3 September 2006)
- Vietato l’ingresso ai tipi sospetti (No entry to suspicious types) Panorama (7 September 2006)
- Le nanotecnologie fanno le cose in grande (Nanotechnologies go big) Panorama (14 September 2006)
- Interview with the developmental psychologist Howard Gardner Panorama (21 September 2006)
- Il lato dark dell’universo (The dark side of the universe) Panorama (5 October 2006)
- Obituary: Nicola Matteucci, philosopher (10 January 2026, 9 October 2006) Panorama (10 October 2006)
- Appuntamento con l’antenato (Appointment with the ancestor) Panorama (19 October 2006)
- Interview with the ethologist Franz De Waal Panorama (21 November 2006)
- Buchi quasi neri (Almost black holes) Panorama (30 November 2006)
- Se sogni non sei evoluto (If you dream, you are not evolved) Panorama (7 December 2006)
- Fiumi pieni di droghe (Rivers full of drugs) Panorama (14 December 2006)
- Dalla parte dei lupi (On the side of the wolves) Panorama (14 December 2006)
- Piccoli embrioni crescono (Small embryos grow) Panorama (28 December 2006)
- Un capostipite del Miocene (A progenitor of the Miocene) Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American) (January 2005)
- Einstein aveva ragione (Einstein was right) Panorama (4 January 2005)
- Quel mammut ci somiglia (That mammoth looks like us) Panorama (20 Gennaio 2005)
- I segreti delle tempie grigie (The secrets of the graying temples) Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American) (February 2005)
- Elegante come un Neanderthal (As elegant as a Neanderthal) Panorama (10 February 2005)
- Review of ‘I filosofi: vita intima’ by Pierre Riffard Panorama (7 February 2005)
- Gelido crash (Icy crash) Panorama (10 February 2005)
- Divorzio africano (African divorce) Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American) (March 2005)
- Hanno taroccato la storia (They made history fake) Focus (March 2005)
- Review of ‘Speranza di domani’ by David Khayat Panorama (3 March 2005)
- Quell’insana attrazione per gli antibiotici (That insane attraction to antibiotics) Panorama (24 March 2005)
- Marte che bellezza (Mars, what a beauty) Panorama (31 March 2005)
- La scienza dei terremoti (The science of the earthquakes) Focus (March 2005)
- Ma come suona bene quella batteria (That battery works well) Panorama (31 March 2005)
- La penisola dei tornado (The tornado peninsula) Focus (March 2005)
- Guardando l’invisibile (Looking at the invisible) Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American) (April 2005)
- Telenovelas che salvano la vita (Telenovelas which save your life) Panorama (7 April 2005)
- Terra inquieta (Restless land) Panorama (14 April 2005)
- Se l’onda anomala minaccia anche noi (If the tsunami threatens us too) Panorama (14 Aprile 2005)
- Energia oscura? No, grazie (Dark energy? No, thanks) Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American) (May 2005)
- Ma che brutta aria si respira in casa (What a bad air you breathe in the apartment) Panorama (12 May 2005)
- Perché conviene a tutti salvare il pianeta (Why should we save the planet?) Panorama (19 May 2005)
- Cuore di cannabis (Cannabis heart) Panorama (26 May 2005)
- Il picchio resuscitato (The resurrected woodpecker) Panorama (26 May 2005)
- Svegli per mutazione (Awake by mutation) Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American) (June 2005)
- I nostri primi passi (Our first steps) Panorama (1 June 2005)
- Non fatevi condizionare troppo (Don’t let yourself be conditioned too much) Panorama (9 June 2005)
- Tutta colpa del sushi (The fault lies with the sushi) Panorama (16 June 2005)
- Parlami, sono Cyc (Talk to me, I am Cyc) Panorama (30 June 2005)
- Quando il virus prende il jet (When the virus takes the plane) Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American) (July 2005)
- Giorni roventi, anzi no (Hot days, indeed not) Panorama (7 July 2005)
- Cambiare sesso (Gender transitioning) Panorama (14 July 2005)
- Cacciatori di pipistrelli (Batbusters) Panorama (14 July 2005)
- Anatomia della gelosia (Anatomy of jealousy) Focus (August 2005)
- Anticorpi contro il diabete (Antibodies against diabetes) Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American) (August 2005)
- Alexis de Tocqueville democratico e gentiluomo (Alexis de Tocqueville democratic and gentleman) Panorama (4 August 2005)
- L’auto verde verso il futuro (The green car towards the future) Panorama (11 August 2005)
- La telemedicina corre sul filo (Telemedicine runs on the wire) Panorama (18 August 2005)
- Lo strano fossile di Ediacara (The strange fossil of Ediacara) Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American) (September 2005)
- Scherzi da batteri (Bacterial jokes) Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American) (September 2005)
- Sulle rotte di Darwin (On Darwin’s routes) Panorama (1 September 2005)
- Interview with the cosmologist John Barrow, Panorama (29 September 2005)
- Che film la vita (Life: what a movie) Panorama (29 September 2005)
- Una teoria dell’evoluzione per l’umanità (A theory of evolution for the humanity) Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American) (October 2005)
- Una grotta per due (A cave for two) Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American) (October 2005)
- In cerca di un contatto (Looking for a contact) Panorama (20 October 2005)
- Una tazzina di salute (A little cup of health) Panorama (27 October 2005)
- Un bastone per Leah (A stick for Leah) Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American) (November 2005)
- Con la matematica si trova moglie (Finding a wife with math) Panorama (3 November 2005)
- Travolti da un Suv (Run over by a Suv) Panorama (10 Novembre 2005)
- Uragani e riscaldamento globale (Hurricanes and global warming) Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American) (November 2005)
- Per sapere che pesci prendere (To know what fish to take) Panorama (17 November 2005)
- Figlie di un buco nero (Daughters of a black hole) Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American) (December 2005)
- La madre di tutte le patate (The mother of all the potatoes) Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American) (December 2005)
- Le vie dei ricordi (The pathways of memories) Panorama (1 December 2005)
- Ecco il vero Godzilla (Here is the real Godzilla) Panorama (8 December 2005)
- ‘Le Regard et la Bouche de la Joconde’ (The Gaze and the Smile of Mona Lisa) Cerveau & Psycho no.12 (in French also translated into German and Portoguese) (15 December 2005)
- Vaccino a tutta velocità (Full speed vaccine) Panorama (15 December 2005)
- Vascello spaziale per salvare la Terra(Speceship to save the Earth) Panorama (22 December 2005)
- Il primo animale transgenico da compagnia (The first transgenic pet animal) Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American) (January 2004)
- Dove la vita è possibile (Where life is possible) Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American) (February 2004)
- L’incerta origine dei primati più antichi (The uncertain origin of the oldest primates) Le Scienze (February 2004)
- Il declino dell’olfatto dei primati (The decline of the sense of smell of primates) Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American) (March 2004)
- Viveva in Europa l’anello mancante? (Did the missing link live in Europe?) Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American) (April 2004)
- La galassia più lontana Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American (April 2004)
- Sars, le promesse dell’interferone (The promises of interferon) Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American) (May 2004)
- Una teoria sulla massa cerebrale degli ominidi moderni (A theory of brain mass in modern hominids) Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American) (May 2004)
- Adulti a 15 anni (Adults aged 15 years old) Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American) (June 2004)
- Questione di chimica (Just about chemistry) Panorama (24 June 2004)
- Uomo e scimpanzé: cugini ma non troppo (Man and chimpanzee: cousins but not too much) Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American) (July 2004)
- Oggi mi vesto invisibile (Today I dress invisible) Panorama (1 July 2004)
- Galassie senior (Senior galaxies) Panorama (22 July 2004)
- Fedeli, inizia la cybermessa (Faithful,.the cyber-mass begins) Panorama (15 July 2004)
- La mummia che visse due volte (The mummy who lived twice) Panorama (15 July 2004)
- Si può imparare anche divertendosi (You can learn while having fun) Panorama (5 August 2004)
- Il sorriso della Gioconda (Mina Lisa Smile) Mente & Cervello (September 2004)
- SOS dall’isola degli tsunami (SOS from tsunami island) Panorama (16 September 2004)
- Buchi neri, gli strappi dell’universo (Black holes, the tears of the universe) Panorama (23 September 2004)
- Le date dell’evoluzione (The dates of evolution) Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American (October 2004)
- Clicca la medicina giusta (Click the right medicine) Panorama (7 October 2004)
- Uomini si diventa da bambini (It is as a child that one becomes man) Panorama (21 October 2004)
- Molti passi, pochi chili (Many steps, few kilos) Panorama (28 October 2004)
- Un interruttore per i geni (A switch for the genes) Le Scienze (Italian edition of Scientific American) (November 2004)
- Piccoli artisti crescono (Little artists grow up) Panorama (11 November 2004)
- Ritorno alla Luna (Back to the Moon) Panorama (18 November 2004)
- Diluvio Universale? Nel Mar Nero (The Great Flood? It happened in the Black Sea) Panorama (25 November 2004)
- Non toccate quelle piante Panorama (25 Novembre 2004)
- Vite a sorpresa (Unexpected lives) Panorama (9 December 2004)
- Il pensionato e il dinosauro (The retiree and the dinosaur) Panorama (22 December 2004)
- Figli di un vulcano (Children of a vulcano) Panorama (16 December 2004)
- La battaglia dell’anoressia (The battle of anorexia) L’Unità (25 October 2003)
- Dal Mar dei Sargassi la vita sintetica (Synthetic life from the Sargasso Sea), La Stampa (7 June 2003)
- E’ l’Etiopia la nostra patria comune (Ethiopia is our native country) La Stampa (23 June 2003)
- Nessun legame con i Neanderthal (No ties to Neanderthals) Sapere (October 2003)
- Un vaccino più rapido contro il virus Ebola (A faster vaccine against the Ebola virus) Le Scienze (Settembre 2023)
- Le cellule della meraviglia (The cells of wonder) Contro Cancro (October 2003)
